
New Media vs Public Relation, Advertising and Marketing

First of all, what is new media ? In my knowledge, new media is a two way communication to publish the information in computer technology such as social web page Facebook and Twitter, and blogs. The audience can get the information vie internet and digital technology.

The new media can easily to attract audience and easily for company to get their feedback from audience, not same as traditional media. Traditional media was slow pass to audience and it also low quality information to audience, so make company actually not choose traditional media to publish their information.

For the Public Relation, the main role of Public Relation is to help company built the relationship between the company and audience. So that Public Relation is an important part in company because it can help company built good image to audience, so that audience can easily to accept this company. Public Relation need to create event to public and also responsibility updates any information about company to audience, so they need to keep close with new media.

Actually they will post the information about in their company web page and also their social media Facebook page, to make the audience can easily get the new information in anytime and anywhere. For example, the Padini Holding Bhd company, the public relation practitioner will update the information about Padini company and also will update the promotion and collection in Padini to audience. So that audience can view the collection in Padini and what hot sell in their shop, this can easily attract audience come to purchase and also can increase the popularity of Padini Holding Bhd.

For the second part, the advertising is the popular way used by company to publish their news in new media. Because advertising was easily show to audience and audience can get the information clearly, like the company will publish their advertising in television program, after audience watch the drama and they will stay awhile to watch the advertising.

Advertising actually will using visual information show to audience such as music and video, it can make audience easily to get the meaning of advertising and remember it so long time. For example, some of old people from senior citizen, they don't know the English language and their brain also cannot accept the advertising have so long words, so they cannot remember and understand the meaning of advertising.

In addition, advertising was so important to they, advertising need to using visual to make them easily remember and also the meaning of advertising need to translate to different language to make the senior citizen can understand the advertising.

And the last part is marketing, marketing can help the company to investigate the business of company such as they will do the survey to audience to make the company can clearly know what audience wants. Actually marketing will collect the data from audience in social media, when the audience leave some comment or feedback in the company social media page, so marketing can get the feedback from new media.

In my conclusion, new media is a famous communication use in public relation, advertising and marketing. The main role of new media is faster and clear send the message to audience, not matter what the technology the new media, the important of what new media do is faster send the message to audience.

So that sending the message vie internet technology to audience is the best and portable way for company, and the audience also easily to get the information in new media.

